Women's Ministry Events

Sept. 11 @6:30 Ladies desert night. Bring your favorite dessert to share.

Oct. 19 @12:00 Ladies potluck luncheon. On October 19 at noon, we will gather for a potluck and time of sharing from Erin Webb. Erin is the Ministry Operations Manager with Joni and Friends. She has over 20 years of walking alongside families and individuals living with disability in medical, social, and church contexts. Erin is passionate about seeing all churches welcome and include people of all abilities, allowing the church to become a place where each of our unique gifts and talents are valued and celebrated. When a person is known and valued as a child of God, then we can envision how to provide the support needed to allow every individual to use their spiritual gifting's for the good of the church and in worship to God.


Wednesdays @6:30pm Conference room Topic: The Gospel on the Ground by: Kristi McLelland  (beginning Sept 18)

Thursdays @9:30am room 1 The Book of Acts (beginning Sept 19)